
New Investment made into Shwap Technologies Ltd, trading as OWNI

New Investment made into Shwap Technologies Ltd, trading as OWNI

As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of consumer goods industries, they are opting to buy second hand more regularly.  This is particularly true of the fashion industry,…

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Follow on investment made into Loopcycle Ltd

Follow on investment made into Loopcycle Ltd

We are pleased to announce a second investment into the existing BRAN Investments portfolio company Loopcycle. Loopcycle is a digital platform that embeds industrial-scale product traceability, redefining the management, recovery…

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An introduction to a BRAN Investments Co-Investor – Sustainable Ventures

An introduction to a BRAN Investments Co-Investor – Sustainable Ventures

Sustainable Ventures is the home of climate tech. Sustainable Ventures has been scaling sustainable business ventures since 2011 and have a passion for sustainable innovation for a net-zero future. Sustainable…

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Portfolio company introduction – Cogo

Portfolio company introduction – Cogo

At the recent Cop26 Glasgow Climate Change Conference, nations took a range of decisions in the collective effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. This was welcomed by…

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Our investment ethos

Our investment ethos

We believe that social and environmental challenges need to be overcome with better entrepreneurial solutions. It has also become clearer over the last 5-years since we were founded that there…

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An introduction to BRAN Investments

An introduction to BRAN Investments

BRAN Investments is a family founded company formed by Beena, Ram, Ashish and Nisha Goyal whose own multiple business successes inspired them to want to help other start-up companies of…

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